And of course, all of this brings out Princess' true colors as well. I hate to dwell on her less attractive qualities, but it's painfully obvious that none of these fabulous canine hunks is the dog of her dreams.
The late night ramblings of Auburnhairedartist
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2 howled back
This one is from Kate - I love you, Kate
(This was harder than I thought)
Three words to describe me: Sarcastic, nurturing, evolving
Three words to describe you: entertaining, complicated, adorable
Three words to describe somebody I love: gentle, cuddly, furry
Three words to describe my blog: ordinary, wolfish, mine
Three words to describe my past: gone, done, over
Three words to describe my home town: traditional, midwestern, yuppyville
Three words to describe my bedroom: comfy, eclectic, soothing
Three words to describe my face: pale, wrinkly, old
Three words to describe my goals: creative, uncertain, unformed
Ok - now your turn!
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Friday, February 20, 2009 3 howled back
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1 howled back
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Monday, February 16, 2009 1 howled back
Thursday marks the beginning of a five day break from school for my kids. So when I woke this morning, I knew I needed to get some baking done. With a houseful of teenagers, you'd better have things for them to snack on, or they'll gnaw the furniture. My kids and their friends happen to be partial to my homemade cookies. As I gathered the ingredients together, I discovered that my supply of brown sugar was low. I threw on my jacket, slipped on my shoes and headed to the store. On my way back to the house, I glanced in my rear view mirror and thought I caught a glimpse of flashing red and blue lights almost a block behind me.. As I turned onto my street, I peeked again, and sure enough, I was right. He rounded the corner behind me so I figured that I had better get out of his way so he could get where he was going. As I pulled to the curb, I realised that he was too - SHIT! I put the car in park and watched as the officer open his car door and walked towards my window. I was absolutely clueless as to why he would be pulling me over in front of my house. My first thought was that something had happened to one of my kids. I was actually relieved when he informed me that he had pulled me over because I had been going 44MPH. For a second I just looked at him. In my mind I was thinking, "So . . . Ridgeview is a 45 MPH street" Then I remembered passing the two schools where my children attend. Ooops! Very rarely do I drive passed the schools during school hours. I usually wait until after the kids are home from school to run errands. (I do my best to enjoy the silence that occurs while they're in school.)
He took my driver's license, insurance card, and registration and went back to his cruiser. I sat there patiently waiting, trying to remember the last time that I had a speeding ticket. I can't - it's been ages. My last ticket was for failure to move to the other lane as I passed a policeman while he was writing some one else a ticket. (He actually had a lane and a half on the shoulder of the road where he was parked) They ended up dropping that charge so that they could nail me for expired insurance instead. The insurance violation was also amended - after they got $350.00 in fines from me.
The policeman returned with a computer generated ticket and told me that my court date was set for March 21st, or I could mail the fine to the address on the back of the ticket before my court date. I mumbled an apology, and after he left, I put my car in gear and rolled the additional 10 feet into my drive way. Damn it, so close - I almost made it. I carried my bag of brown sugar into the house and sat down to look at how much my trip to the store had cost me. The last time I'd gotten a ticket, they still wrote them out by hand, filling in the blanks through three layers of cheap carbon paper. When I finally found the fine amount, I nearly went through the roof! $342.00!!! That's $18.00 per mile over the posted limit !! URGH !!! Well, I guess that's Johnson County - the greediest, most money hungry County in the state! It only cost $8.00 more to pay for a No Insurance Violation in Edwardsville, and that didn't even go on my record !!! What bullshit ! I guess somebody has to pay for the lap tops and video cameras in every police cruiser.
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Thursday, February 12, 2009 2 howled back
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Monday, February 09, 2009 4 howled back
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Saturday, February 07, 2009 1 howled back
Still hanging in here, practicing my patience. Why is technology such a pain in the ass sometimes?
I know that it's only Thursday, but around here, it feels more like Friday. The kids are out of school tomorrow for a "teacher instruction day" - whatever that is. So they are all reved up for a long weekend. Yipee ! - NOT. Next week, they only have to go until Wednesday then, they are off Thursday and Friday for parent/teacher conferences. (you know I'm really looking forward to that - maybe I can be sick those days?) AND they are also off on Monday for Presidents' Day. What a crock ! They get a SIX day weekend!!! Something is wrong here. . . *Sigh* it's like this every February. Not only is it the shortest month of the year, but they want to schedule an additional 4 days off school. It's just stupid.
It seems like everyone is conspiring against my sanity lately. Even the weather is doing weird stuff. For the next four or five days, we are supposed to have spring-like temps. ( 70F/21.1C)
I am SOOO confused! Of course, on the other hand, I'm not stupid either - I plan to get out and enjoy it while it lasts.
In fact, I had to go buy new dog leashes today so I could walk my dogs. When Nick was over on Sunday, he decided to take Pete for a walk. When I walk the dogs, Pete and Midnight go together, and Midnight was NOT going to let Nick take Pete without him! He followed them out into the garage, and stubbornly refused to move until he had a collar on his neck with a leash attached. (that's my boy!) Nick finally gave in, but of course, Nick flatly refuses to do anything the "normal" way. When I walk the dogs, I work really hard to get the dogs to heel, obey, and focus on me, and what I want them to do. Pete has become my problem child because every time Nick comes over, he takes Pete for a walk and lets him run amok. So the next time I walk him, he thinks he's special and he can do whatever he wants. URGH! Anyway, when Nick took the dogs for a walk on Sunday, he clipped both leashes together. Don't ask me why, all I can say is that Nick's brain just doesn't function like other people.
As usual, when he got them out to the trail, he drops the leash and lets them run wild. Except they were still hooked together. Now, What do you suppose my dogs did? That's right, they ran at full speed towards the biggest tree at the park. Pete went right, and Midnight went left, and the leash wrapped around the tree, and sent them spinning in opposite directions just like a classic 1940's Toon Town cartoon. Until . . . the clasp holding the two leashes together shattered, and they fell on their furry butts with a yelp and a very confused look. I'm sure that the only thing missing was the little animated birds circling their heads. Hence, my need to buy a set of new leashes.
See, I'm not paranoid - I really AM surrounded by lunatics.
Okay, I have a hypothetical query that I'd like to pose to you all. Let's say that you are cleaning your 14 year old son's bedroom while he's at school. As you are sorting through the piles of dirty socks and months of garbage that is strewn around the room, you find a few t-shirts that are actually clean and folded neatly in a laundry basket. When you open his dresser drawer to put them away, you see two unopened packages of condoms. Do you take them? Do you leave them? Do you tell him that you found them, or do you say nothing? What would you do? (hypothetically, of course.)
Well, it's late and I need to get myself off to bed. Have a great weekend.
Love ya,
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Friday, February 06, 2009 4 howled back
I just wanted to drop a note to everyone to let them know, I may be off line for a while. My monitor is doing weird stuff and it's becoming a total pain in the butt to work with. There won't be funds in the budget to get a new one until next Friday (the 13th) So I'm not ignoring anyone, and I haven't been kidnapped by aliens, I'll be back soon. I'll try to keep up with your blogs as long as the stupid thing doesn't piss me off past my limit. Then, I'm done. I won't sit around yelling at a stupid box, or smacking it, or pushing random buttons trying to find the magic sequence. (unlike other people in my house . . . .)
Love ya,
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Thursday, February 05, 2009 1 howled back
I feel like I've been run over by a big truck this weekend. I woke up Saturday morning and Jennifer was just arriving. Roy and Nick had a job to do together Saturday morning, and they arrived home 30 minutes later. Nick and Jennifer spent all day Saturday here and I cooked a big lasagne dinner. They had planned to go to church Sunday morning out here in Olathe, so they just spent the night rather than drive 50 + minutes to Liberty just to drive back 8 hours later.
Sunday afternoon, Jasmin and the grand kids showed up to hang out with us since Jason went to his folk's house to watch the Super bowl with his brothers and his dad.
If it wasn't for Roy glued to the tube on the living room couch, we would have had a big Anti Super Bowl Party. I think next year I will. I'll gather up all the football widows, kids, and all the people I know who just don't give a rip about the super bowl, and have a big party. We'll have tons of food and watch movies, and Roy will just have to go hang out with Jason next year. As it turned out, I ended up cooking another big meal of Chicken enchiladas, salad, and cinnamon rolls for every one and we had a pretty good time anyway. Roy didn't seem to mind us much, and it was nice to have all my kids and grand kids at home. It's been busy around here, and right now I'm feeling exhausted, but it's been a really good weekend.
It's looking like I'll have Heather home with me tomorrow, she's having a hard time shaking her cold, and she just feels rotten - poor baby. Several of Jake's friends were MIA last week because they were struggling with the same thing - I'm guessing that's where she got it. I can't afford to catch it, I have too much stuff to do, and I'll end up making every one's life miserable if I get sick. Soooo, I had better get myself off to bed and make sure that I stay rested. Good night.
Posted by Auburn~haired~artist at Monday, February 02, 2009 4 howled back