Well. Saturday night was fun. Jasmin and the kids came over for dinner. (beef burritos) Just as I was cleaning up and getting ready to set out the goodies to make gingerbread houses, Roy's cell phone rang. Unfortunately, Roy had to go and fix some one's hot water heater. I tried to hold the kids off as long as I could but it was obvious that they couldn't wait.
As much as I hate to disappoint Christopher, when you are working with little people and teenagers (with very short attention spans) using real gingerbread just isn't very feasible. It's easier to substitute graham crackers and let them be as creative as they want. Anyway, they had a blast. It always gets crazy having Jasmin and the kids over. The photos just don't show all the details. My camera seems to take crap pictures inside, especially at night. (living in a duplex, there is never enough natural light in my house.) You should be able to click on the
photos for a larger view. This is Jasmin's gingerbread house. I think that she did a lovely job.

Ana and Caleb made gingerbread houses too. I thought that I got a photo of Ana's house, and after she left, I realised that the memory card had already been removed from the camera. Trust me, It was nice. Caleb made a very tasty house as well. However, the problem with edible construction materials, is that you need a builder with a little self control. Caleb is still working on that particular virtue; Hence, no photo.
So, yeah, it was a good weekend. Building gingerbread houses and laughing with my kids as the snow fell. It would have been perfect if Roy didn't have to leave, and if my oldest son could have been there. Maybe next year.
Tomorrow, (Tuesday) is the last day of school for the kids. They are out for Christmas break and don't have to go back until January 7th. Later this week, I am having the kids over to bake cookies and make edible ornaments to hang on our Wild Life Christmas tree in the back yard. That way, the birds, squirrels, and bunny rabbits don't feel forgotten at Christmas.
Okay, Gotta go and get some things done around here. Busy, busy, busy !!!
Love to all,
1 howled back:
I love the GBH's!!! They are all so very creative and lovely, and I can't blame them for I know how very tasty Graham Crackers are too, especially with icing and chocolate being around as a dipping sauce!!!
As for the use of Graham Crackers opposed to "real" gingerbread...Please gurrl (ok, I had a fag-out moment there; just dont get used to it they're rare and you instigated it), you made the right call. Making the gingerbread that'll hod up for construction is a pain in the ass and it isn't usually good to eat. This way you had the maximum pleasure with the least effort. Good call!
I love all the holiday fun stuff you guys do together and I'm sure Nick had you guys on his mind this weekend too. With any luck these memories of Christmas' Past will trigger an internal initiative to grow brighter and stronger in spirit for the future.
Prayers and love,
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