Saturday, January 19, 2008

T.G.I.F. !!!

I did it ! I survived the week ! I don't know how you all feel about it, but I am so proud of myself ! Since Monday, that's been my goal - just get through the week. Generally, I set my sights higher than mere survival, but this week, there havebeen moments when I questioned whether I'd make it.
In fact, this whole new year has been difficult. So I've decided that enough is enough. The end of this week is a new beginning. And whatever comes, is going to be fine. I simply refuse to continue with my present state of mind. This weekend is going to be all about moving forward and learning to be content.

I started reading a new book. It's called Change your Heart, Change your Life by Gary Smalley. Gary Smalley is a christian author/councilor who generally writes about relationships. I've been really impressed with his insights and approach to that subject, and I've found a lot of his principles to be very helpful. But this book is kind of different. I've only just started it, but it examines how we deal with life, and respond to our circumstances, based on our core beliefs. If nothing else, it's got me thinking about what my core beliefs really are, and where they originated. And of course, I am discovering that what I say that I believe, doesn't always line up with how I respond or behave. I think this is going to be one of those books that need to be read slowly and thoughtfully. I like books like that, ones that make you think and question.

My hubby has been home sick today. He seems to have a slight case of food poisoning. (what a surprise !) Apparently, while raiding Tracy's refrigerator, he fed himself some pizza of questionable age and origin. I'm absolutely amazed by some of the things that men will put into their bodies. Is it because they think that they're indestructible? Or do they just not care ?

That's another subject I've been pondering lately. Not just male foraging behavior, but what people, specifically my family, put into their bodies on a daily basis. I know that I'm probably the worst offender; but lately, I've noticed that my bad example seems to be having a greater impact than I realised. Of course, I can't really control what my husband or kids eat when they're running around loose, but I can control the crap that I eat, what is in my house, and what I cook for my family. So I've decided that's something that I need to work on. Because, you know, I just don't have enough projects already, right ?

Well, I need to get myself to bed. I've got quite a long to do list for this weekend. Good night all.

3 howled back:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your week turned around and things are looking up as we head into the weekend.

I, as we've previously discussed, was a bit alarmed and worried, but I know the thoughts and prayers are helpful from afar. Those will remain in full effect/effort for you and your family.

As for food, don't be afraid of the cocoa as a spice!! LOL

I'm a huge fan of fresh fruits and veggies, although the price lately has me wondering if we can truly afford them; I'm doing more canned and frozen ones lately. I have an aversion to frozen processed veggies though so I've to make more risottos, polentas, and such; which I found to be incredibly simple after some research... and cheap!

Well, I've to get up and go make breakfast... you have a wonderful day and take care!

Unknown said...

I hope your hubby is feeling better, that you’ve had a restful sleep, and that the weekend is a good one for you!

Anonymous said...

I love books like that as well...I still read your books very slowly and when I am in the right mood to hear what they are saying, and it lifts me up so much.

I've been thinking the same thing about what I am feeding my kids...I've noticed that my middle son is getting a bit porky (hahah) and it's because I let him graze all day on biscuits and well, not a lot of healthy foods. All he wants to eat is peanut butter rolls and milo milks.
We do have a lot of say in what we buy and bring into the house.

Let me know what you do! we can swap ideas.

I think you definately have had a stressful week. I'm glad it's over for you. I hate stress.

take care love me xx