Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just Checking in. . .

Hey there !

I just thought I'd let you know that I haven't run off to another part of the country and gotten stuck there. (unlike some people I know.)

I'm still here, doing my usual thing. You know, the mom thing. Things are rolling along smoothly, nothing especially exciting to report, but still, it's sort of a comforting state to be in. I'm still wishing for a really good snow storm that will shut things down for a while, but with February coming to an end soon, I don't think it's going to happen.

Heather and I have just started a new book for reading. It's the first book in that "vampire - romance" series that everyone is talking about: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. They're listed as "teen fiction" books, but I know alot of adults who are reading them, and loving them. I know that Heather and I are hooked. Kind of like a teen version of Anne Rice's Vampire chronicles, but not so dark, at least not so far.

I got a letter from Nick this weekend. He's going through a pity party stage right now. Apologizing for being such a failure, blah, blah, blah. (insert violin music) I wrote him back and told him to grow up. I don't tolerate whinging very well from my kids, and seriously, he NEEDS to grow up ! It's time to put away the childish things of his irresponsible youth and get on with his life. He's too old for this crap, and so am I.

One of the many advantages of being mom is that I can get away with saying things to my kids that I would never say to anyone else. That, and that magical thing that happens when you speak your child's full first name, along with their middle name, using just the right "mom" tone. ( Jasmin Lea !, Nicholas Wayne !, Jacob Patrick !, Heather Nicole !) It's like being Dirty Harry with a loaded .357 magnum. No matter what they're doing, they will absolutely freeze in their tracks, and start to sweat. I know, it doesn't seem like much, but some days, it's the only power I have.

Well, Like I said, things are pretty uneventful here, and it's late. I need to get myself off to bed.

Good night all,

4 howled back:

Anonymous said...

(HEHEHE.. you say it like being stuck in another part of the country is a bad thing!)

I'm glad you're doing well and things are plugging along at a nice pace. You deserve a bit of a respite from too much chaos it seems to me. Too bad i didn't get you and Mel to join me last weekend in Jackson Hole, we could have all been skiing, snow snowmobile riding, and having a party of life this week together!

Take care,

Anonymous said...


my mum does the tough love approach with me alot and tells me to 'cut it out!'...I usually hang up on her and sob into my pillow for a while. but secretly, it does help me to snap out of it.

I'm glad you are still around doing your thing!

I haven't heard of those books but I will keep an eye out. I LOVED the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles..I got the whole set and I rarely read fictional stuff in that genre. I was hooked completely and apparently she is going to write one more story about Lestat 'finding God'. Anne Rice apparently swore off writing about such dark themes when she went from an atheist to a Christian a few years ago and vowed to close the Vampire Chronicles for good BUT she is going to do one more eventually using Lestat to illustrate the leading up from going to completely non believing to finding the Lord. Cool huh!

anyway, I'm rambling.

love mel xx

Auburn~haired~artist said...

I read them all years ago too. And I LOVED the movie with Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Antinio Banderas. I haven't read any Anne Rice books for ages, maybe, I should check out her newer ones ?

Unknown said...

You know, Susan, running off to a warmer part of the world sounds good to me at the moment.