Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter offerings

This has been a long day, so instead of a long and boring post, I have included some links that will hopefully, increase your joy this Easter Sunday.

This is one of my all time favorite "happy songs" that always lift my spirits.

This one, is one of my current favorites, it's a remix done by one of my favorite artists (Chris Tomlin) for the movie, Amazing Grace. The traditional version is one of my all time favorites - I used to sing it to my babies as I rocked them to sleep. It's also very precious to me, because it's the one, and only, song that I have ever sang publicly. When I was only 8 years old, I sang it with a friend in front of my church congregation, shortly after my baptism. ( *you might need to turn up the volume a little for this one.)


Hope that you enjoy, and Happy Easter to everyone !


OH ! I almost forgot, this last song is for Mel, in honor of her confirmation ! Yay, Mel ! This one made me think of you !

6 howled back:

Anonymous said...

well I have never heard of either of those two singers before but I like them so much!
Newsboys - what a great voice that lead singer has... very cool music.

Oh and I felt some shivers go up my spine watching Amazing Grace soundtrack to the movie, I just know that film is going to break my heart!

thank you for my special song - Now i know who that band is I can keep an eye out..

have a lovely week,

love mel

Anonymous said...

Wonderful songs with tremendous messages well presented!

Just what i needed when I crawled out from beneath a rock this morning!

I'll be getting a new e-mail account soon; I'll let you know what that addy is when I figure it out.

Hope your and your family had a fantastic Easter Holy Day/holiday.

Love to all,

Auburn~haired~artist said...

Good to hear from you C ! I've been thinking of you and missing you.

Anonymous said...


I'm right over here hiding in my hole!

Unknown said...

Easter is past, but I still enjoy the links! Thanks

Anonymous said...

PS: new email is

(you get that mel?)