Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday morning

It's Monday morning and I'm just looking for any excuse to avoid starting my week a little longer. Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL, and it's still nice this morning, although it's supposed to start raining around 3 or 4 PM.
Heather is up and we should be doing school. Why is it that the last quarter is SO hard ? It's not quite far enough along that we can start counting the days until summer vacation, but our spirits are SO ready for it. When I think about wrapping up her studies, I look at all the the plans I made last fall, and there is still so much that we haven't done. Is life always like that ?
Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Is it a promise of more to be attained? Or just a reminder of what we failed to achieve? I guess it just depends on how you choose to see it ?

Uh - oh, Heather just came in and she is already trying to negotiate today's school work. I have to be strong, remember who the parent is . . . stick to the plan and ignore the sun shinning outside the window. Oh, if she only knew that I feel the same way !

Well, I need to pry my ass out of this chair and get to work.
Oops, that didn't work. I walked right through the kitchen and out the back door. So instead, I took those photos of my deck that I was supposed to take yesterday.

Okay, Now I really am going to start school. Have a great day everyone !

3 howled back:

Anonymous said...

Yay for the plants and the sunshine! The area looks are a good plant owner to keep them alive through a long, snowy winter. Mine didn't get out of spring ;)

Hey I know what I wanted to ask you... on the Golden Girls..the character played by Rose (the dopey one)..she talks about her home town, St Olathe....that's not your home town is it? Just wondering because I heard it yesterday on the show :)

Anyways, it is tuesday morning here in Canberra, a bit cold this morning but I can see the sun trying to poke through.

love mel x

Auburn~haired~artist said...

Nope. I think that Rose is from some place in Nebraska? She pronounces it St. O-loff.

The name of my town is pronounced: O-Lay-Tha.

In Olathe schools, kids are told that Olathe is a Shawnee Indian word meaning "beautiful land". But, this is(supposedly) the real story.

The REAL story behind how the town got its name-

Olathe is pronounced: Oh LAY tha. (with the emphasis on the middle

So how did such a funny sounding town get its name?

This is what the local people say about the origins of Olathe. Back in the 1800's the area where Olathe is today was the hunting grounds of the Shawnee Indians. The tribe lived about 8 miles from here. So the saying goes; "Olathe" is an old Shawnee word for "beautiful land", and every time they went hunting in their hunting grounds, they would exclaim: "Olathe"

Not being a native of this area, I was somewhat skeptical. My view
of the land was that it was not all that beautiful, so I did a little checking and came up with my own version.

Indeed, Olathe was the hunting ground for the Shawnee Indians; however, I discovered that the old Shawnee word for buffalo shit was "lay tha". I also learned about an incident that happened on one of their hunting trips. This happened on one crisp Autumn morning in 1858. When they got to where they wanted to start stalking their game, the Shawnee Chief (his name was Black Bob), realized he forgot his Bow and Arrow back at the teepee. He exclaimed for all to hear: "Oh Lay tha" !! .. loosely translated as Oh-Buffalo Shit!!..

Well, the rest of the tribal guys got a good laugh out of that, and
wouldn't ever let the chief live it down. Whenever they would return for another hunting trip they would all start laughing and cry; "Oh Lay Tha" , "Oh Lay Tha" over and over again.... and over time the name Olathe became synonymous with the area.

Back at the teepee the tribal guys would be talking, "where do you want to go today?" One would laugh and say Oh Lay Tha!! Ha Ha-- and all the others would laugh with him and say "vah dah gohuntindah ah Oh Lay Tha...ha ha ha..."

So if anyone ever tells you the version about the land being "beautiful" just tell them they are full of "lay tha"!

Anonymous said...

that history lesson truly made me laugh, love it!!

I'm not sure which version to believe though.... :)