Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Endings


Me again. I just finished up my book this afternoon. What an incredible read!! It was exactly the kind of escape that I needed. I was so worried about how Stephenie Meyer would wrap things up. I have to say, I'm very satisfied with the ending. She did an awesome job, it was worth the wait. Without a doubt, it was the best of the four books. People who had followed the series finally got all of the spectacular events they had been waiting for, and a lot of new and unexpected things besides. If you get a chance, I highly recommend it. You might as well grab all four books while you're at the bookstore because, you'll be hooked after the first couple of chapters. The next big event is the movie that's based on the first book: Twilight. That comes out in December!

Now, unfortunately, it's back to the real world for me. The real world isn't really so awful; but I always know, even before I start a book, that there will be a price to be paid for my escape. I've lots of catching up to do around the house. Plus, for the next week or so, I have to focus on all the added last minute preparations for the kids return to school. (Oh! and Nick's birthday is coming up on Tuesday!) I tried not to procrastinate this year, but this summer started off with so many unknowns and uncertainties. Of course, I'm pleased with the way everything has worked out, I just wish I'd had more time to prepare. Some how, I always feel like life is a game of "catch up", with me being the last to know anything. Oh well, I'm not complaining. One of the things I've learned, is that it can always be worse!

Well, I need to get myself off to bed and try to start off fresh this week. Good night.

2 howled back:

Anonymous said...

I have to find those books and have a look at them, you sound like you've loved them!

When you write about summer I am sitting her shivering and my knuckles are cold and sore, but I remember you writing about snow outside your house and I was sweltering in heat and whinging about that too. So I'll be quiet. But summer sure does sound lovely.....


Auburn~haired~artist said...

Oh, It would be so nice if we could just have our lovely seasons without such extremes. We have really had a fairly mild summer here this year, but it never seems to fail that we must endure at least, three solid weeks of very hot temps before fall arrives. I guess it just makes us appreciate the changes better.