Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thank goodness tomorrow is MONDAY !

Well, I just got done baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies and a batch of peanut butter crackle cookies. Lately, it seems like I've been baking cookies 2 or 3 times a week just to keep Jake's friends happy. Everyday, he comes home with Chrissy, his girl friend, and Summer, Chrissy's BFF, and various other kids. After being happily greeted by the dogs, they go straight to the kitchen screaming,
"Were home Mom! Got any cookies?!"
I'm not too worried about these girls getting fat, they're all almost anorexicly thin, blond, and gorgeous. Apparently, Hot chicks like hyperactive, silly guys like my son. Of course, he is terribly handsome and sensitive as well. He might be a little goofy, but I'm crazy about him too.

I've spent most of my day cleaning up from the weekend, and cooking. I didn't get my chili on to simmer soon enough , so I threw together some hamburgers at the last minute. After dinner, I put chili ingredients in the crock pot for a while and we'll have Chili tomorrow. It will be twice as yummy after the flavors have had overnight to blend in the fridge. While it was simmering this evening, Heather wandered into the kitchen and asked what that awesome smell was. I told her chili, and she begged for a taste. She concluded that it was, in fact, VERY delicious and she can't wait for dinner tomorrow night. I think I'll wait until after she's eaten her fill to tell her that it's venison. (he,he!)

I didn't think I'd ever get Jake and Heather off to bed. They've been staying up late and sleeping in for the past five days. They're going to be bears in the morning. It's been lightly snowing on and off all day, but it's not been heavy enough, or cold enough, to really stick and amount to anything. The kids are still holding out hope that things will change and they'll get a snow day tomorrow. NOT gonna happen. Thankfully! I'm about to loose my mind with all these kids. I need about eight hours of sanity and quiet tomorrow.

Well, like I said, My brain's been too frazzled to think of anything interesting to write about. I feel like a puppy chasing it's tail lately, and I'm just exhausted. I'm going to try and get to bed early tonight and catch up on some sleep.
Good night.


3 howled back:

Anonymous said...

OH, I love cooking days. I can just imagine the smell in your home...lovely. Even though I could never eat Bambi either :)

Hey, I hope you do get a bit of peace. After my weekend that was FULL of kids (liam had a mate for a sleep over as well as O's party) I really needed them to go to bed early last night..and they did. I went to bed at 8pm! Today I have loved just doing my own thing while the kids were at school, I needed a bit of quiet.
I hope you get some tomorrow too. xx

Gypsy Jasmin said...

I hope Chrissy is there to make gingerbread houses. I am curious to see how cute she is. I love Jake too he is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I'm not much on baking cookies, but cakes... OH MY! Cakes and interesting pastries bring out my inner queen; that being Scott looking to see when he can eat them.

Hope this is the start of your holiday spirit kicking in!
