Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cold chills and peanut butter withdraw.

I know that I said I would finish, and post, my drawing today, but I have spent almost the whole day wrapped in a blanket on the couch. I don't think that I'm sick, I just can't seem to get warm. For the last 24 hours, I have been chilled to the bone, to the point where I feel achy all over, but I'm not running a fever, and other than a slight headache and a general loss of appetite, I'm just freakin' COLD. Granted, the mercury outside hasn't risen above 18F over the last few days, but everyone else is quite comfortable with the inside temps in our house. Gawd, knowing my ass-backward body, I'm probably having cold flashes, instead of hot flashes. It's always the simple things in life that manage to confuse me the most.

I had just about convinced myself that the world would be just fine if I spent the day on the couch with my blankey . . . until Jake and Heather came home. Heather reminded me that tonight was parent's night at the junior high school. She's very excited (and nervous) about starting Jr. high next year, and she is determined not to miss out on one tiny shred of information. I did my best to squirm out of it, but she wasn't going to accept no for an answer. So, I braved the cold and spent an hour and a half wondering if it's healthy for a 46 year old woman to have such an emotional attachment to a fuzzy blanket,.

My dogs are really upset. I got an e-mail today stating that the recent salmonella tainted peanut butter contamination is not limited to people food only, but has been extended to peanut butter flavored dog treats! My dogs are totally addicted to peanut butter. They LOVE that squeeze peanut butter in a can that I use to fill their Kong toys with. I can't believe that President Obama has done NOTHING to solve this crisis! Millions of American kids and dogs have become dependant on their daily peanut butter fix, and the man we entrusted with the welfare of our nation, has a total disregard for the people (and pets) suffering from peanut butter withdraw. We the people, (and now, canines) have NO peanut butter, and he has a total "Let them eat cheese" attitude about the whole thing! Mark my words, all this is going to end badly. I know things in my house could get really ugly.

Oh Gosh, my fingers are too cold to type. I'm going to shut things down and jump into bed. Good nigh y'all, stay warm.

Love ya,


3 howled back:

Wait. What? said...

Ugh - my pup eats the peanut butter tasting cookie things - he loves the stuff - I think we are kindred souls - since I adore peanut butter and almond butter as well!

Anonymous said...

My Dad gets so cold in Canberra winters that he has to wear like three pairs of army=strength socks to bed and stuff. And our Canberra cold is really not like a Canada or Prairie Land cold or Kansas!
I wonder if it's just a growing a bit older thing? You know like creaking bones and stuff? (helpful little love aren't I?)
I feel very sorry for you and I hope that you have warmt up by the time you read this post!

Hey I do love your layout for Valentines day, although I have not given it a second thought. All I am thinking of now is buying Em's uniforms and how I"m going to afford the kids book packs and stuff. THey all go back to school next Monday and Tuesday and I'm really behind. Argh!

It's so hot in Canberra right now - we are cooped up inside too. I get annoyed with the really hot and sunny days that are just so long - too hot to go anywhere and the kids all get so cranky. I keep waiting for another big summer thunderstorm but so far none in sight.

Anyway, hope you are getting a good sleep. love mel xxx

Auburn~haired~artist said...

The kids are going back to schol?!!! Woooo -Hoooo!!!!! Sanity at last ! I knew that you'd survive.