Monday, January 4, 2010

Bragging on my baby.

This is Heather, my beautiful, talented daughter. Actually, both my daughters are beautiful, talented, and oozing with creativity; but this post is about my youngest, Heather. Heather is my baby, my last born. Each and every day that I spend with her, my amazement grows. As a baby, she was a quiet and shy girl, but always restless. She's now 13 years old and blossoming like a wild flower; filled with style, creativity, and grace.

Heather is an anime artist. For almost 4 years now I've been watching as she hones her talent and if that's what she desires to do in life, I think she'll do well. However, she's also a very talented photographer. (she took the photo above) She especially enjoys photographing our dogs. (another one of her passions) Additionally, over the past couple of years she has developed an interest in writing, which is what prompted me to blog about her. I wanted to share one of her recent school assignments that I will be showcased by her school district soon.

Calming Creek
By Heather Nicole Foley

Splish-splash, bubble, bubble. I let out a sigh of relief as the calming sounds of the creek surround me. The tall, dark - emerald trees draped over me - making me feel safe. I was as calm as the morning mist rising over the horizon. I crouched down, letting the little sprinklettes of water jump into my hand. The mossy - clear waters sparkled even in the late-day sun. My hand slipped into the water making little ripples in the icy-cold water. I could almost taste the cool bubbling brook. I inhaled taking in the murky stream that smelled of mid-spring. Although knowing that my home is miles away, looking at the reflection in the water - I know that this is my true home. This is the place where I belong.

1 howled back:

Anonymous said...

As your Mama said, you ARE very talented. While reading your story, I felt like I was along the stream with you. Great job, don't loose sight of your talent. Love ya, Auntie Deb