Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another lovely day !

I wasn't so sure it was going to be, but it all worked out nicely. I woke this morning to my daughter's voice, telling her dad that we had no electricity. I popped right up because, I had just paid the bill on Friday, and my first thought was that they didn't get the payment. After making some phone calls, I found out that it was an equipment problem with the utility company, and that they were already working on it. (DUH ! I could have just looked out the front window to see the workmen and their giant work truck ! ) Once I was assured that all that could be done, was being done, I decided to go back to bed. (It was my original plan to sleep in this morning)
So, I climbed the stairs, hopped under the blankets, settled in with my three boys curled up beside me, and closed my eyes. As I laid there, I listened to the blissful silence; no fan, no TV, no radio. Nothing. It was just TOO weird. Way too quiet. Midnight decided that he needed a morning bath, and started licking his front paws, slurp, slurp, slurp . . . UGH! I couldn't stand it!!!

I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to grumble at someone. Except, they were all outside, enjoying the gorgeous day. So I thought, 'what the hell, I'll go play too.' Turned out to be a good idea. Roy and I eventually ended up in the garage, and we started brainstorming for the Asylum. Within an hour, the electric was back on, Heather was contentedly clicking away on the keyboard, so my hubby and I loaded up to go shopping for some missing Asylum supplies.
We spent the whole afternoon cruising all over town, just playing around, just the two of us with the sun shinning and a nice cool breeze - we had a great time!

Around 4PM, we had most of the stuff we needed, and Jake called and asked if he could go to the movies with Christian. We picked them up and dropped them off at the theater and headed back to the garage with our stuff. Nick and Jennifer were just getting home, so they joined in to help. I'm not real sure if 'help'' is the right word, but we had fun.

Nick has been sober for eight days now, and he's slowly transforming back to the son that I like to spend time with. While I worked on some static props; He and Roy, started playing around with wires, and capacitors, and electricity. They finally rigged up a little thingie that shoots a tiny electrical current from one wire to another. It's only about 1/2 inch across, but it rotates around a wheel. Nothing dangerous, only about as many volts as a carpet shock, but it LOOKS really cool !!

By the time they were done, Jake had come home, and I had three, wise ass, guys critiquing the cleavage on my newest creation, Elizabeth. She's a five foot tall (152.4 cm) 1900's (kind of Gothic looking) prop. (You'll have to wait to see the horrible things I do with her.) Anyway, I think she's lovely, but the guys keep trying to feel her up when my back is turned - ANIMALS !
God damn perverts!

So, we all had a good time. It was 8:30 PM by the time we were done playing around and got cleaned up. I kind of missed my daughter, Heather, but she was happiest chatting with her friends on line. She promised to spend some time with me tomorrow, so I guess that's alright. Well, I have a few things to get caught up on inside.

Oh shit!! I just found out ( on the news) that it's supposed to get down close to freezing on Wednesday night. So I'll have to get all my plants moved inside this week. Not looking forward to that . . .

Okay, I gotta get off my butt and do something constructive around here. Unless, of course, there's something good on TV . . .Good night.


3 howled back:

Anonymous said...

Hey I can't wait to meet Elizabeth, I'm a big fan of anybody who looks worse than me :)

You sound really relaxed and back to the Susan I knew when we first started writing, I'm really happy for you that things are good xx

Wait. What? said...

You sound happy - and I am thrilled that your son has been sober for a time and that has allowed you to see the real him again - as for feeling up Elizabeth - your lot of guys sounds much like mine! Can't wait to see what you did with the asylum! Cat

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your son is sober...
