Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Eve of All Hallow's Eve !!!!

Hey there !

Well I have survived this day, one more to Go - the big one. I just got home a little while ago from having Jasmin do my hair. My hair kicks butt. It's a deep red with Black highlights. Roy say that he thinks it makes me look younger, but I think he's just trying to get in my pants. Sigh, he'll have to wait - I've got stuff to do for the next couple of days. (so does he, he,he)

This morning,( remember, when I was up early?) I was watching the news on TV. One of the local channels has a thing called "Spook Central" on their web page. It's a listing with a map of ll the Halloween events here in Kansas City. They list Haunted houses, parties, special events, pumpkin patches, and . . . must see decorations! I checked it out this evening and the only Must see decoration location listed is in KC, MO. So . . . I submitted our house and some photos for a contest. I wish I had known about this sooner, but I don't watch the news much. Anyway, all submissions have to be approved before they get posted, so I'm hoping that it gets listed before tomorrow Night. Next year, we will be trying to raise donations for local animal shelters, so I am definitely getting listed early. I've got all kinds of big plans for next year.

Okay, I've still got things to do before bed, so I better get moving. BY the Way, Happy Halloween to all my friends in Australia, and the U.K, and everyone on the other side of the world!!! Happy Haunting !!!!!!

Love ya,

2 howled back:

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween day to you when you wake up in the morning (not noon!!) I can feel your excitement....I hope you guys get some great feedback and you scare a few people. Do you have spare underpants available??

I'm glad you like your hair - ok I need to see a photo now...after the Halloween thing has died down can you take a couple!

Have a great night and well done for all your hard work.


Wait. What? said...

Pictures dear - don't forget - as your gouling and treating and scaring tonight - Must. Get. Pictures! Have a great time too!!