Friday, December 5, 2008

Do Nothing Thursday

HI !

In case anyone is keeping track, or is interested . . . Today, I've done NOTHING. Nada, zero, zip, zilch, Not a bloody thing all day. I thought about doing something, but then I decided that it was just too much work. The excuse that I am using is that I feel kind of crappy. Nothing specific, just a general lethargy and laziness kind of thing. If it develops into anything major, I'll let you know. (But don't hold your breath) Sorry. In the meantime, You can read my older posts, go to the kitchen and make yourself a sandwich, or just mingle among yourselves. I don't really care, I'm going to take another nap.

Love you all,


2 howled back:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I think I'll go mingle amongst myself...that sounds quite entertaining until I realise myself has nothing to say to me that hasn't been said before.

So I shall go and read a book instead :)

Hope you have a good night sleep and there is nothing wrong with doing nothing all day! It sounds quite nice actually. xx

Wait. What? said...

I have to work - I need more nap time!