This has been an odd sort of weekend. Something about the rhythm of things that has felt off. The skies have been grey and it's been bitterly cold and windy, but the heavens stubbornly refuse to open and allow the snowflakes to fall.
My grandson, Christian, spent the weekend here with Jake, and his friend, Quentin. Since Patrick has discovered the joy of having a girlfriend, Quentin, has replaced him as Jake's new buddy, and apparently, our newest adopted child. I knew that sooner or later, I'd get a red headed child. Unlike Patrick, whose parents are financially well off and has a more structured life, with strict rules about visiting friends and over night stays; Quentin is somewhat of a lost child. He lives with his mother (no siblings) and spends quite a bit of time on his own, since his mother has a very busy work, school, and social life. Well, that is, until our family adopted him. He checks in with his mother frequently via cell phone, but often when we take him home, he goes home to an empty apartment. He's a good kid, maybe a bit loud, and sometimes obnoxious, but that seems to go with the age. Roy had a hard time adjusting to him at first, since he is a quieter type of person, but Roy has a huge heart and he has learned to deal with him like all our other (adopted) children. At first, even Heather had a hard time accepting him, especially after Patrick had become a regular fixture around here. She'd never admit to it, but I suspect Heather had just the tiniest crush on Patrick. I didn't realise it until Patrick came over last week with his girlfriend.
Anyway, The three guys spent most of Saturday making plans for a big Christmas Vacation Party. They have been referring to it as "The Hardcore Christmas Party". What a hoot. They came to me with big plans of moving my antique tables and chairs out of the family room, and replacing them with sturdier lawn chairs, stringing Christmas lights from the ceiling beams, and hanging black lights and posters instead of my antique photo portraits. I told them that I didn't care, as long as they do the work, which includes, buying the drinks and snacks and clean up. They agreed to barter their time and labor in exchange for my help to provide the sodas. So . . . . it seems that I have a bit of non specified child labor owed to me. He, he, he. My little brain is just ticking away with ideas. I may save it for after Christmas clean up.
Heather has been keeping to herself most of the weekend. She goes through phases where she becomes highly focused on certain activities. Sometimes it involves her friends, sometimes not. (the older she gets, the more she reminds me of myself sometimes) This weekend she's been doing a lot of drawing and sharing it with her Internet group of friends that are into anime. She has always been very artistic and she wants to be an anime artist when she grows up. I'm looking through the drawings that she did this weekend and scanned into the computer. She really is very good. Her pencil strokes are becoming more confident and her shading and highlighting is improving. She has gone from copying cartoons to designing some very original works. I need to set aside some time to work with her. Her style is very different from mine, but I think she could really do well with it. I'd really like to get her a good computer, with a graphic art program. She enjoys working with color on Windows Paint and she can do things I had idea were possible. Maybe next Christmas - this year sucks.
I was up late Saturday night cooking chicken enchiladas for Sunday dinner. Nick and Jennifer have been looking for excuses to come and visit Nahla, the bunny. I told them that they didn't need an excuse to come and visit. (as long as Nick is sober - which he has been) So, I invited them over for Sunday dinner with Nicks favorite meal. I had only been asleep for three hours when they arrived this morning. (not exactly according to my plan) They spent the day hanging out with the kids and animals, while I dealt with a husband with a stomach issues. I guess I'll find out in a few days whether it's a bacterial, or a viral thing. Lord, I hope it's just a case of too many late night chocolate donuts, regurgitation is NOT by favorite thing. Unfortunately, a couple of Jake's friends, including his girlfriend, came down with the stomach flu today as well. Oh well, I there's always hope, right? I was finally able to get a little nap after dinner, when Nick and Jen went home. I figured lack of sleep made me too easy of a target for whatever viruses might be floating around. I was just going to sleep for 30 -45 minutes, but Roy fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake me until it was time for me to run the kids off to bed.
So . . . .here I sit, wide awake in a house that is FINALLY silent. It feels very strange. You know, I'm just thinking out loud and rambling on. I should really be doing something to prepare for the week ahead, or even catching up on my sleep, anything, other than parking my butt in this very comfy computer chair . . . . Things have been sort of quiet with my friends in the blog-o-sphere, I know that things are crazy this time of year. (I have a sister in law that keeps sending me emails with a Christmas count down - UGH! I wish she'd stop, I don't want to be reminded how far behind I am with my shopping! - and everything else) Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends, and hope you all have a great week !
Love ya,
2 howled back:
Hey Susan!
I have had to put the book down for a bit - I am on chapter 3 finally - so when I have some free time I will post my thoughts - the holiday is creeping up fast and I ahve yet to buy a gift! Our tree is waiting until next weekend for us to dress it - there is just no time.
have a great week!
Well, things are a bit weird around here too. Just out of routine and I find myself getting all worked up and trying hard to stay calm and focused and happy :)
I'm sure Jesus didn't realise his birthday was going to make such a fuss, eh??
Anyways, yum about the chicken enchilladas. You know that stuff isn't huge over here...but more and more people are realising how yummy mexican can be (it IS mexican food, right?!) I love those because they have cheese in it and anything with cheese, I'm sold.
It's exciting that Heather is getting so good...that must be great to watch her develop. I have had a bit of a browse on anime and I gotta say, I really like it!!
ok well I have a kids school concert to go watch, so talk to you soon. xxx
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